Resep Zucchini & Sausage Macaroni By dapurungu

Resep Zucchini & Sausage Macaroni oleh dapurungu

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  • Resep Zucchini & Sausage Macaroni By dapurungu

  • Resep Zucchini & Sausage Macaroni

    Porsi: 1 porsi


    1. 1 hand full of macaroni
    2. 1 cup good quality sausage
    3. 1 cup zucchini organic
    4. 3 clove garlic
    5. 1/2 cup of onion
    6. 2 tbps chili sauce
    7. pinch of salt n pepper n dried oregano


    1. Cook the macaroni until al dante. around 8-10 minute

    2. Heat the pan, use 2 table spoon of olive oli, stir-fry garlic and onion. add in mince sausages and zucchini.

    3. Add in 2 ladle of stock or 2 ladle of water.

    4. Seasoned it with oregano, chili sauce, salt n pepper. and add macaroni in, stir it nice and gentle make sure that all the ingredient well blended. turn of the heat and there you go,, dinner is ready

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