Resep Rosemary Garlic Rib-Eye Steak w/ Curly Fries oleh justdharma
Berikut ini cara membuat Rosemary Garlic Rib-Eye Steak w/ Curly Fries. Resep Rosemary Garlic Rib-Eye Steak w/ Curly Fries yang ditulis justdharma cukup untuk 2 Portion.

Resep Rosemary Garlic Rib-Eye Steak w/ Curly Fries
Porsi: 2 Portion
- 400 gr Rib Eye
- 1 Tbsp Salt
- 1 Tbsp Pepper
- 6 Rosemary Leaves
- 5 Cloves Garlic
- Cognac
- Olive Oil
- 1/2 Blocks of Butter (cut into 6 square blocks)
Cara Membuat
Cut 400gr Rib-Eye into 2 of 200gr
Knock the Rib-Eye to soften the meat.
Season the meat with olive oil, salt and pepper.
Put the meat still for half an hour to get seasoned, put it into oven. Medium Rare.
Heat grill pan with one of the 6 unsalted butter, oil the pan through.
Sautee garlic and put all of the rosemary leaves.
Add the meat into the pan. Grill one side for 1 minute and flip into the other side.
Throw the last five of the butter blocks, let it melt and splash them with spoon to the meat
Put the garlic and some of the rosemary on to the meat and keep splashing the butter into the meat for 3 minutes.
Flip to each side for 10 seconds each side to get the crisp through and put it the meat out and let it rest.
Slice meat to serve.
Serve meat with fried Curly Fries with splash of salts.
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