Resep Ayam Betutu Kuah (Balinese chicken in aromatic spices broth) oleh Tika Dewi
Berikut ini cara membuat Ayam Betutu Kuah (Balinese chicken in aromatic spices broth). Resep Ayam Betutu Kuah (Balinese chicken in aromatic spices broth) yang ditulis Tika Dewi dapat disajikan 4 porsi.

Resep Ayam Betutu Kuah (Balinese chicken in aromatic spices broth)
Porsi: 4 porsi
- Ingredients
- 1 Whole chicken (I normally use the free range as I found this is tastier and smaller in size so the spices will be marinated better)
- 3 Kaffir Lime Leaves
- 2 Salam Leaves - If you cant find it, Bay leaves is ok as the substitute to it!
- First Spices - Roughly Chopped:
- 3 cm Galangal
- 2 cm ginger
- 2 cm kencur (lesser galangal) I am unable to find the fresh kencur in Australian, therefore I am using the powder version for approximately 1x teaspoon (you can find it in the Asian/Indonesian Grocery Stores)
- 1 cm turmeric
- 2 stalks of lemongrass (white part)
- 8 Shallot
- 4 Garlic
- 6 long chillies
- 4 bird eye chilies
- Second Spices Blended until smooth:
- 1 cm shrimp paste
- 2 candlenuts (I normally toss this in the hot pan with no oil first - this is to bring the roasted aroma)
- 1 clove
- 1 tablespoon coriander powder
- 1/2 teaspoon whole black pepper
- half teaspoon of nutmeg
Firstly, clean the chicken with cold water, put aside.
Mixed the two spices together in a bowl and then Heat oil in frying pan (I prefer coconut oil - more fragrant) but any oil will do!
Cook the spices until it fragrant and the oil separating from the spices. Season as you go, I normally add some sugar (1 -2 tablespoon). This is where it get tricky, as the seasoning is really depends on your taste bud. Anyway once the spices is cooked, put aside to cool down. NEVER ever rubbed piping hot spices into any raw protein.
Once the spices cooled down, rubbed into the chicken evenly put some inside the chicken too.
Put the whole chicken into the pressure cooker along with the spices mixed, kaffir lime leaves and Salam Leaves. Pour cold water just until half of the chicken soaked in it. Cook for approximately 30 Mins. If you are using regular chicken, it will prolly takes slightly longer.
Once the chicken is cooked, served it with side dishes such as sambal matah (my recipe is coming) and some salted beer nuts (This is how I eat it in Bali). Enjoy!
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